At Shepherd’s Gate, we value every[one] and live generously with every[thing] we have. In February, our neighbors in Mt. Clemens lost every[thing] they owned when their apartment complex was burned to the ground.
Through our ‘Outfit Our Neighbors’ clothing drive campaign, you can make a difference and value your neighbors in need by purchasing a new, moderately-priced summer outfit or two. Let’s restore their hope and help them gain confidence in their new threads.
Watch this quick video to get a glimpse into what happened to our neighbors in Mt. Clemens when a fire took over their apartment building this past February.

Every[one] likes to open a beautifully wrapped gift, so let’s make this special for our neighbor recipients.
- Please remove tags of items purchased
- Wrap items or put them in a gift bag
- Label with the recipient’s name
- Drop-off at SG on the dates listed below
You can even write a note to include to show them you care!
Drop-off at Shepherd’s Gate Family Entrance on:
Sunday, May 30 | 8:30a-Noon
Wednesday, June 2 | 5-7p
Sunday, June 6 | 8:30a-Noon
Take a look through the list of items and show the love of Jesus to our neighbors in Mt. Clemens by purchasing a new, moderately-priced outfit or two.
I needed clothes and you clothed me…
Matthew 25:36
Thank you to every[one] who purchased items! Signups are now closed.