Here comes Christmas! It seems like it happens every year around this time 😉. For me there is a push and a pull between the fun of celebrating the holiday with family and friends and the sheer work and tension involved in pulling it off. Can you relate?
I know many families struggle with it. So, the question is, how do you create great Christmas moments for your family during the busiest time of year? The answer that has worked well for us is to establish meaningful Christmas traditions.
Traditions are annual rituals or behaviors that provide a sense of stability and joy amidst the holiday chaos. They become islands of “merry and bright” in the shifting sea of the season’s scheduling. Our family traditions have definitely grounded our Christmas celebration over the years. If you’re looking for some Christmas tradition inspiration, here are some to spark your creativity.
4 Family Christmas traditions
Fun Stocking Stuffers
Most people put up stockings to be filled up on Christmas Eve after the kids are in bed. Rather than waiting until Christmas Eve, my wife Lisa and I started putting small gifts and treats in our kids’ stockings throughout December. This spread out the excitement and discovery over the whole month, while also fitting our budget better than one big stocking haul. Even though our girls are teenagers now, and the gifts have changed from toys to Starbucks gift cards, hair care products, and of course candy, we all still enjoy this tradition and the joy it brings.
Delicious Holiday Food
Food brings people together, so we’ve made certain holiday foods into traditions. My mom’s special fudge recipe, gingerbreadhouse decorating with the girls, and an annual batch of Chex Mix that we all mix together are some of ourfavorites. It’s easy and cheap, but a great way to create a family moment. In fact, it’s just about time for me to buy the ingredients!
Serve Others & Give Back
I’ve spent my career working full-time in church ministry, so the Christmas season is quite busy. Our family has developed a tradition of serving at the Christmas Eve services. The girls have been in nativity plays, choirs, and more, while Lisa volunteered in the nursery and with hospitality. This reminds us that Christmas is about serving others, just as Jesus came to serve us on that very first Christmas. Think about an organization, charity or event that would suit your family and get plugged in!
Keep Christ at the Center of Christmas
At the heart of Christmas is Christ, so we make sure to emphasize that through attending Christmas Eve services, reading the nativity story from the Bible on Christmas Day with our nativity set as props, and discussing how grateful we are for the gifts God has given us, rather than making a big deal of getting gifts ourselves.
What are your family traditions? Maybe it’s time to start a new one! The key is being intentional about them, talk about them in advance, and let them become an anchor for your family’s Christmas celebration. Get creative and build your own islands of peace and joy this holiday season.