Being a parent at Christmastime is much different than being a child during Christmastime. When I was a child it was a carefree, stress-free, hustle-bustle-free time, absolutely the best! Now that I have three children ages 9, 7 and 3 Christmas has a slightly different feel to say the least. It’s a fun time, don’t get me wrong, but now I’m the one that has to make the fun and not simply have it be dropped in my lap. So, I’ve had to learn how to make it fun while also not letting stress overtake me so I can enjoy Christmas with my family. Take a look at the activities that keep my family entertained and fulfilled during the holiday season.
5 easy, fun-filled family Christmas activities
1-Make a gingerbread house
You can grab one from the store or if you are feeling extra creative, make it from scratch. Check out how to make your own gingerbread house here.
2-Complete an advent craft, story or activity
Shepherd’s Gate is having their Countdown to Christmas: Family Advent Event on Sunday, November 28 at 12p. Eat a delicious lunch and make your very own Family Advent Calendar to prepare your hearts for the arrival of Jesus on Christmas Day. Lunch & kits are free of charge.
3-Pick an evening to drive around and look at Christmas lights
You can drive through your subdivision or city you live in to see the lights or see the 10+ best Christmas Drive Through Light displays throughout Michigan. Perhaps stop and get some hot chocolate to enjoy during the ride.
4-Pick a day to decorate the tree and house together
We always begin by getting our tree at Home Depot, decorating it and the house all on the same day. We always enjoy turning on the Christmas music as we do all these things!
5-Find a church that is sponsoring a child/family in need
My kids really enjoy picking a child’s name and helping to buy them items they need—especially the toys they may not have received. This year, at Shepherd’s Gate, you can help put a smile on a kids’ face this Christmas by helping wrap gifts on Saturday, December 4 from 9-11a. Shepherd’s Gate is partnering with Gifts For All God’s Children to bless at-risk youth in our community. Sign up here.
If you’d like to sponsor a child, Gifts For All God’s Children has opportunities for you to do so. Find out how here.
Jesus Is The Reason for the Season
All these things have become traditions for my family. They are easy to find time for and not expensive. But remember to do them together and that the reason for all of these things is because we are celebrating Christ’s birth! It’s so important to keep Christ as our focus because through the years we will simply be doing fun things together and lose the importance of why Christ was born in the first place- to save us from our sin. Keeping that in focus will also help keep the stress down and make the quality time with your family much more special!