Move over Cupid! This Valentine’s Day, there’s a greater love worth celebrating–one that lasts far beyond flowers and chocolates. It’s the love of Jesus, of course! God’s greatest gift to us and one we’re called to share with others: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)
The world says love is something to buy–flowers, candy or the perfect gift. But Jesus shows us that love is bigger than any gift bought at Target or Tiffany’s. His love isn’t about what we give or get—it’s about how we live. It’s deeper, greater, and grows in ways no purchase ever could.
Here are 7 ways you can love more like Jesus this Valentine’s Day …
Forgiveness may not come wrapped in a bow or be as fun as heart-shaped chocolates, but it’s one of the greatest gifts you can give. Letting go of hurt clears the way for love and gives you peace only Jesus can give.
Remember the forgotten.
Deliver something special such as a box of pastries or homemade cards to a senior center, call someone you’ve been meaning to check up on, send a note of appreciation to someone special. The point is, try celebrating Valentine’s Day with the heart of Jesus.
Give your time and talent to help others in the name of Jesus. Shepherd’s Gate Church has so many beautiful opportunities to show the love of Jesus to our church family, our community and our world. Click here to see how you can serve others today!
Love grows when we draw closer to God in prayer. Reflect on favorite scripture verses that remind us of the unending power of love. “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:7
Cherish the ones you love.
Cook a special meal, spend time together, exchange Bible verses. This Valentine’s Day be sure the people closest to you know all good things come for God, including your love for them.
Love everyone.
Like Jesus, strive to walk in love always. Even at Costco on a Saturday (this is my challenge!). Even when you have differing views. Even when you’re annoyed or angry. Choose to love like Jesus every day.
This Valentine’s Day let’s choose a love that lasts—the love of Jesus. How will you share His love today?
Happy Valentine’s Day!
“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13