Young man and woman walking on a nature trail.
Lisa Jansen
SG Member
October 17, 2024

With the arrival of Fall, a season of transformation unfolds around us. I feel the cool air as I walk outside and see trees turning from green to an exquisite gradient of orange, yellow, and red. My coffee creamer changes to a pumpkin spice blend and a new menu of comfort foods lands on my dinner table at home. As I decorate my house with pumpkins and get pumped for football season, I notice something important missing. This makes me wonder: while I switch my food habits for fall, how am I nourishing my soul? Amid the warm flavors and cozy vibes, I realize it’s just as essential to tend to my soul as it is to enjoy the comforts of this season. 

Adult lady and her mom hugging at apple orchard.I want you to think about your favorite Fall recipe. You know that one that you can’t wait to get out every year when October hits. Maybe it’s a hot chili recipe, a hearty vegetable soup, or one of my favorites, pumpkin muffins. Picture all the ingredients you need to make it delicious, nutritious, and comforting.

Just as a well-loved recipe nourishes us in body, certain traditions have a way of feeding our souls. One that’s close to my heart is a fall tradition with my family, inspired by one of my favorite people in the entire universe—my mom. Each October, we head to a local cider mill, pick some apples, buy some yummy cider and donuts then head to the park to hike off the calories. With each passing year, this tradition becomes more meaningful because it nourishes my soul, just like a comforting bowl of hot soup warms my body. 

Now, let’s shift our focus to those key ingredients that can feed our souls this season. What comes to mind? Maybe it’s prayer, a Bible study, or attending a Sunday church service. Today, I’ll share some spiritual ingredients to create a hearty recipe for your soul. As you explore these soulful recipes, may you discover new ways to deepen your relationship with God this fall. 

5 Soulful Fall Recipe Ideas

1. Express GratitudeSun shining through the trees in the woods.

Take 10 minutes every morning to list three things you’re grateful for and start the day with prayer. For example, today I’m grateful for hot coffee, my family, and the sun shining. Each time you list something you are grateful for, it instills in your heart how God is so good, even in the tiniest of details, like a hot cup of coffee. 

2. Connect with Others

Just as sharing a meal with loved ones brings warmth to our homes, fostering connections with others nourishes our souls. This fall, invite friends or family over for a potluck. Share stories, laughter, and the goodness of food together. You can also attend community events or join a small group at your church. Connecting with others can deepen your sense of belonging and reflect God’s love in action. 

3. Take a Nature Walk

Spend some time outdoors and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Go for a walk in a nearby park or in your neighborhood, soaking in the vibrant colors and fresh air. Use this time to reflect, pray, or meditate on Scripture. As you walk, pay attention to the beauty around you—let it remind you of God’s creativity and care for His creation. Bring along a warm drink to sip as you enjoy the scenery! 

4. Be Kind to Others

When we look beyond ourselves and volunteer to serve others, it can feed your soul. Just as a hearty meal feeds your belly, acts of kindness can lift your spirit. At Shepherd’s Gate we have opportunities for you to step out and serve others throughout the year. Our Step Out & Serve 365 team offers ways for you to make a difference whether you’re fixing up a house, volunteering at a local nonprofit, or preparing food for those in need, you can share the love of Jesus in a tangible way. This reminds us that generosity nourishes the soul. Check out how you can jump in and serve today here. 

5. Read the Word Daily

I was taught the importance of reading the Bible and what a powerful impact making that a daily ritual has on my life. Every day, I grab my coffee and take 10-15 minutes to do a short devotional. Find one that you enjoy and it’ll kick start your day and feed your soul in ways you wouldn’t ever imagine. One of my favorites is Embraced by Lysa TerKeurst. One day I was reading the devotional and it sparked an ‘AHA’ moment that shifted how I view challenges in my life. She wrote about how we needed to look at the Bible as God’s love letter to us. A love letter not simply to be read, but a love letter meant to be LIVED. Read that again and let it sink in. The Bible isn’t just words in a book, it’s the word of God written to us because we are so loved by Him.  

Now that you have some soulful recipe ideas in your head, you can start building your own recipe to stay connected to God this fall. Whether you feel comfortable starting with a simple prayer each day, walking through the park to thank God for His beautiful creation, or joining a Bible study or small group, feel free to adjust your recipe just like you do when you cook. Just as your favorite fall recipes bring joy to your stomach, finding the right spiritual practices to feed your soul will bring an even deeper fulfillment to your life. Open your heart to this season of change and see how God refreshes your spirit in ways you never thought possible.