Let’s face it moms, life as a mom is challenging, refining and also very humbling. Never have I experienced frustration, fear, and exhaustion, more than in my role as a mother. It has pushed me to the brink, made me want to scream, and pull out my hair. I have cried in the bathroom behind a locked door and stepped onto the porch to breathe deeply (either before or after losing my cool in front of the kids). I had never called out more to Jesus, up to that point in my life, than in my early days of motherhood.
From Littles to Teens
As my children grew, the weight of my role as a mom grew too. I began to feel the burden of the responsibility of educating them, guiding their character, and teaching them about the world, and especially, Jesus. The shaping and caring of three eternal souls was a heavy task to process.
Teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic was tough to juggle (I am a homeschool mom). With all the responsibilities of wife, homemaker, and part-time employee outside the home, I second-guessed myself regularly. My friends who sent their kids to school were feeling the same.
This was the beginning of my refining by fire. God allows trials in our lives to purify the junk out of our character, to test our faith and trust in Him. 1 Peter 1:6-7 Teaching a hormonal preteen math will test anyone. Learning to transition from mom to teacher and back again took lots of practice and tears. It was painful and very hard on my pride when I realized how closely these little eyes followed my every move. I became increasingly aware of my own sinful nature. I learned to apologize to my children. A lot. I mean a lot. Ouch. Jesus help me.
Jesus for the win
As the years have flown by, much too quickly, I have relied heavily upon the strong shoulders of my very patient husband. We have tripped and fumbled our way, thus far, and sometimes we make a few good decisions that bear fruit. But I can tell you honestly that it is only through the power and grace of Christ that we have made it this far in our journey. I have given up on myself way too many times to count. I have told God that I couldn’t continue with the schedule, the stress, and the attitudes (of myself and my kids). Cue the Holy Spirit and God’s Word to remind me that I am not meant to go on in my own power, of my own will. I was created to have a relationship with Him. He is a good, good Father whose broad shoulders can take the weight of my whining, complaining, and unbelief. I am reminded of the infinite wisdom that is available only through Him, if I am willing to ask for it.
>>Here’s a guide I’d like to share with you that’ll help you in your journey with your kids.
4 ways to raise a spiritual child
Pray for your kids daily
Mothers, be prayer warriors for your children. Disciple them. Model grace. Show them love. Read God’s Word with them. God will carry you through when you cannot go on. Just ask Him. We are not enough to carry this weight alone. It is too important, too heavy. We were designed to need Him; He wants you to cast all your cares on Him. The devil is always on the prowl to draw your eye away from the Almighty. 1 Peter 5:6-8
Have open conversations about Jesus and the Bible
Over the years, I’ve learned that we need to disciple our children, not just discipline and educate them. I prayed daily that I could teach my children about grace, for ourselves and others. These precious conversations lead to discussions of who God was, His creation, biblical history, and Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for all. You can have your kids practice their reading skills by reading the Bible aloud. Much of my kid’s reading practice came from reading the Bible and talking about it. Something so simple made such a big impact on us and it can for you too! Knowing about chemistry might be helpful in college, but knowledge of the gospel changes lives and eternities. Deuteronomy 11:18-21
Take them to church. Get them involved in kid’s programs so they are eager to go every week.
A community of believers plays a huge part in the life of Christians. They are an extended family. Kids will benefit from learning about this community in the church setting. Get them involved in kid’s programs, like my family did at Shepherd’s Gate, so they are eager to go every week.
Show them love—always. Even before you’ve had your morning coffee or tea.
This is our opportunity as mothers to model grace to our children. Ephesians 4:2 It can be difficult on a day-to-day basis because it’s so easy to get caught up in the hectic schedules that we end up neglecting those precious little moments of connection with them. Take 60 seconds for a hug, hold their hand, kiss their head, or give a high-five. Don’t be a mom who is always rushing everyone out the door. There is a time and place for the rush, but try to make that the exception, rather than the rule. Build some margin into your life; it will help you enjoy each other more.