beautiful sky
Shepherd's Gate Church
March 3, 2025

Have you ever had a moment when life felt too random to be just coincidence? Maybe you ran into an old friend at the perfect time, heard a song that spoke right to your situation, or got the exact help you needed when you didn’t even ask for it. 

It’s easy to brush these things off. But what if they were signs that God is closer than you think? 

Looking for God in the Everyday 

A lot of people assume that if God is real, He must be distant—watching from far away, uninvolved in the details of life. But what if He’s been near all along, speaking in ways we don’t always recognize? 

Think about the moments when: 

  • You felt peace even when life was falling apart. 

  • Someone unexpectedly showed up to encourage you. 

  • You were spared from something that could’ve gone much worse. 

  • You received just enough strength to keep going. 

  • A door closed, only for something better to come along. 

What if those weren’t just random? What if they were whispers from a God who’s been pursuing you all along? 

A God Who Moves First 

The truth is, God isn’t waiting for you to figure everything out before He gets involved. He already has. The entire story of Jesus is about a God who moves first—stepping into the mess of life, showing up for people who weren’t looking for Him, and offering hope to those who felt too far gone. 

We often think we have to clean up our lives before we can find God, but the reality is, He meets us exactly where we are. He’s been reaching out to you in ways you may not have noticed yet. 

If you’ve ever felt unworthy, distant, or like faith is for other people but not you, hear this: God doesn’t wait for perfect people—He pursues real people. Broken, messy, questioning, doubting people. People just like you. 

What If You Opened the Door? 

Imagine walking through life with someone who truly understands you—someone who sees your struggles, your dreams, your fears, and still loves you completely. That’s what God offers. 

Jesus once said: 

 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”Revelation 3:20 

God isn’t forcing His way in. He’s inviting you into something real. But you have to be willing to open the door. 

How You Can See Him 

If you’re wondering whether God is real—or if He cares—try this: 

  1. Pay attention – Look at your life with fresh eyes. Where has good come out of bad? Who has shown up for you at just the right time? Sometimes, God speaks through the people and situations around us. James 1:17 

  2. Be open – Ask God (even if you’re unsure) to make Himself real to you. It doesn’t have to be a fancy prayer—just an honest moment. Say something like, “God, if You’re real, show me. Help me see You.” Jeremiah 29:13 

  3. Take a step – Maybe it’s checking out a church, reading about Jesus for yourself, or just being open to the idea that faith isn’t what you thought it was. Even a small step toward God can lead to something bigger than you imagined. Matthew 7:7 

You’re Not Alone 

You don’t have to have everything figured out to believe that maybe—just maybe—God is already at work in your life. He’s not far off, waiting for you to get it right. He’s near, walking with you, waiting for you to see Him. 

God is closer than you think. The question is—are you willing to see Him?