With all the ugliness in the world and our lives today, you may be asking yourself, “Why was Jesus born? Wasn’t He supposed to end all of it?”
Christmas is the time of the year we celebrate with the birth of Jesus, the “good news of great joy” and “peace on earth.” This Christmas, of course, is not the first Christmas season that the joy, hope and peace we celebrate has been impacted by world events. Wars, pandemics, politics, the economy, and disasters of every kind have been part of many past Christmas seasons.
At Christmas, we’re encouraged through different media to think that our personal lives should be like a Hallmark movie: always having a happy ending.
However, we know from personal experience that there’s not always a happy ending. The joy and peace we hope for are sometimes spoiled by brokenness — broken hearts, broken dreams, poor health, job loss, broken or frayed relationships.
We should not be surprised by all of this. The root cause of all that is not right in the world, why bad things happen, is our imperfection, not Jesus. Our imperfection, caused by our sin, is what broke the relationship between us and God, who created us. This broken relationship needed to be restored so we could have forgiveness and a life with God forever.
Jesus was born to restore relationship
Because of God’s amazing, never ending love for us, He chose to restore our relationship with Him. Why was Jesus born? To restore the relationship between God and humans. One of the most well-known verses from the Bible states it this way:
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.” (John 3:16-17).
Why do we celebrate Christmas?
We celebrate Christmas because God chose to restore the relationship with humans and Himself through Jesus. Not only did Jesus act as a physical example of God’s love on earth, He served as a sacrifice for all humans when He died.
This is what we celebrate at Christmas, and every day: the relationship between God and man. That’s the good news that brings us true joy and peace. True inner joy and peace can only come from having Jesus as our Savior. The joy and peace of knowing Jesus is with us and helps us daily when reading the Bible and interacting with people.
Why was Jesus born? Jesus was born to show God’s love to people on earth. Ultimately, Jesus was an offering as a forgiveness of wrongdoing on the behalf of all humankind.
After Jesus’ death, God sent us the Holy Spirit to comfort us in all that we face. Jesus turns sorrow into joy, hate into love, fear into peace, pain into healing. Because of Jesus, one day there will be a perfect happy ending.
Why was Jesus born? So that you can have a relationship with God and experience inner joy, peace, hope and healing. We can hang on to the hope that we will be with God face to face after life on earth.