The year was 1982. It was a chilly Michigan May night and my Dad was sitting in his favorite rocker watching the 11 o’clock news.
A loud noise interrupted the rhythm of the news. What was that? He ran upstairs…nothing! Back down the stairs into the basement…there’s fire and smoke! He ran back up the stairs, out the door, grabbed the hose, back down the stairs, pulled on the nozzle….and nothing, no water came out!
The “mistake” of not turning the water on saved my Dad from being overcome by the heat and smoke of the fire. It saved his life, while he was trying to save his home. Grieving, yet thankful that no lives were lost, my parents were sad by the loss of the “things” that told their life story. Now what? Neighbors comforted my mom & dad with blankets, food, clothing a place to sleep, and prayer.
Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
Fast-forward to February 2021, I am watching the 10 o’clock news and I see coverage of an apartment fire in Mt. Clemens and flashback to what happened to my parents all those years back.
This apartment fire in Mt. Clemens forced residents into the coldest night of the winter. People were shouting, and some were jumping from the building to save their lives. The fire department was quick to respond. Thankfully, no lives were lost, but all their belongings were.
As the story continues to unfold, there is still much grieving and a continued outpouring of neighborly love. Multiple county, city, and community groups have supported the victims with housing, food, clothing, and social services up to this point.
As I sat and watched the horrible events unfolding on my television, I began to think of a way our community could help. At Shepherd’s Gate, we value every[one] so we partnered with Good Shepherd Coalition to clothe our neighbors in need.
you can value everyone and make a difference
In February, our neighbors in Mt. Clemens lost every[thing] they owned when their apartment complex was burned to the ground. Through our ‘Outfit Our Neighbors’ clothing drive campaign, you can make a difference by purchasing a new, moderately-priced summer outfit for one or more of the 20 victims. Put smiles on their faces, restore their hope and help them gain confidence in their new threads.
To access the shopping list and get more details, go to sgatechurch.org/outfit. Join us in making an impact on our community and show the love of Jesus by purchasing clothes for our neighbors in need.
Matthew 25:36 “I needed clothes and you clothed me.”