Balancing Work and Motherhood is not for the faint of heart.. ESPECIALLY when you are a mom trying to raise hungry little ones with the price of living at an all-time HIGH.
I don’t know about you, but money seems to be flying out faster than it’s coming in nowadays. Between school supplies, meals, snacks, new clothes and if you have boys like mine, more new clothes because one doesn’t stop growing and the other plays so hard there are holes in everything!
Oh and don’t even get me started on sports or other extracurriculars either, can you say cha-ching?! Whether you are a stay-at-home-mom, a stay-at-home working mom like me or a mom working outside of the home, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to balance work while trying to maintain our sanity and being a “chill mom.”
We must navigate the never-ending expenses, caretaking of our littles along with all their BIG emotions, wanting to spend quality time with them but wait, didn’t I just wipe this counter?
I know for me, it is a constant battle, trying to remain disciplined in all that we do, with scheduling and simply trying to keep the work life balance. It’s like I was constantly chasing time there for a bit. Until I realized I was adding to the chaos by not being organized and just flying by the seat of our pants. It truly is the most rewarding thing, our true purpose–to build our children’s foundation, rooted in faith—patiently—so our family can live happily and successfully.
Every minute counts.
There are days when I think back to when I was young…It was a dream to be able to stay home with my future kids. Thinking about the stay-at-home-moms I knew, everyONE always looked nice and put together, the house was always clean, and, in my eyes, they had it ALL figured out.
When it came time for me to stay home, unexpectedly in 2016, my world was flipped upside down and around. My house was (still is) far from clean all the time. The kids did not look well-kept unless it was an early battle of why we can’t wear Christmas Jammie’s to church in May, explaining why we wash our hair and put clean clothes on, leaving me feeling overwhelmed and ready to throw in the towel. Those early years are TOUGH!
Now being a mom to a senior in high school and 1st grader, things have changed. But like I said, it’s a daily challenge to stay on task so we don’t skip a beat.
While I don’t have everything figured out and I’m still showing up late to things, I have figured out a system to at least make us FEEL like we have it all together while not comparing ourselves to others or thinking less of what we truly have, a beautiful growing family-surviving some HARD times!
Here are some tips that I have found that will help you navigate how to have a successful work life balance as a busy mom:
Set a schedule
Establishing a routine will be a game-changer when it comes to balancing work and motherhood. Try to create a schedule that works for both you and your children and stick to it as much as possible. (I did not like the idea of time blocks, but my free spirit has grown to RELY on it so I can achieve everything I need to and still have some free time.)
Create a morning routine
Set out the clothes the night before and wake up an hour earlier (don’t leave just yet!)
Hear me out: I’m an alarm snoozer but this has been my saving grace! By waking up earlier and creating a morning routine that works for YOU, you are going to conquer your day & whatever it tries to throw at you! It can be as simple as drinking a bottle of water, sitting outside in your favorite chair (one you will not fall back asleep in), or some like to wake up and work out. I’ve tried working out first thing and it just doesn’t work until I drop my little off at school. See that’s the beautiful thing. This is your routine, it needs to work for you. One thing I didn’t learn soon enough was that diving into my Bible study must come first or it simply will not happen, for me in this season. We can’t beat ourselves up while learning what works best for us, and our families. This routine will set you up for your day, it needs to work for you and your house.
Prioritize tasks
Make a list of the most important tasks that need to be done each day and focus on completing those first. This can help you stay on track and feel accomplished at the end of the day, rather than a never–ending to-do list leaving you feeling defeated. Every night I write out the three things I MUST accomplish the next day and those are the first three things I do after my morning routine. If I have time for more after work, even better, but I truly try my hardest to get all of this done before the kids get home and after-school festivities start up.
Take breaks
DEVICE FREE—Declutter your mind. It’s important to take breaks throughout the day to recharge your batteries. Whether it’s a quick walk outside, getting that workout in before lunch or a few minutes of being still, praying God clears the path and rids any anxiety. Be sure to take time for yourself because it will help you stay focused and energized.
Communicate with your employer
If you’re working from home, it’s important to communicate with your employer about your schedule and any challenges you may be facing such as someone being under the weather (yes you too mom, just because we work from home doesn’t mean we can’t rest when our body needs it.) Being open and honest can help you find a solution that works for everyone. Having a boss who understands this is crucial while working (from home) and being a mom.
Carve time out for Jesus
Remember, your true calling in life is that beautiful family God has blessed you with. While balancing work and being a mom is not a quick and easy task, it sure is possible with God, discipline, focus, and a little bit of self-care. The biggest thing that truly has helped me feel on top of things is when I joined a women’s Bible study. I’ll never forget the day. I was so nervous about how it was going to go, but the ladies of all ages welcomed me with open arms and became my sounding board for when the world feels like it is crumbling around me. We need those women in our corner who can speak truth into our lives. It truly takes a village, and what better way than to make sure your village is an uplifting, nonjudgmental one that has been through similar seasons.
Whenever I start to return to the feeling of being overwhelmed, I can almost guarantee I haven’t picked up my Bible study in a couple of weeks and I probably threw my morning routine out altogether too. The holidays, back to school and the beginning of summer break always throws us off, calling for pivoting and shifting of our schedules. There sure will always be hiccups; however, we as mothers just need to try our hardest not to get caught up in the emotions and simply pick up where we left off.
Trust me, if I can do it… so can you!