At Shepherd’s Gate, we believe God hears and answers prayer. Prayer allows us to boldly call upon God to seek His will for our lives and for others.
In Need of Prayer?
We have a team of dedicated people who pray for the needs of our church every day. If you have a prayer request, please fill out the form below. Your request will be emailed to our prayer list participants for prayer.

My Prayer Request

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Our Prayer Teams

Pre-Service Prayer

This team meets on Sunday mornings to pray for our pastors and volunteers. We then walk throughout the building before worship services to pray for all the ministries at Shepherd’s Gate.

Prayer Partners

Our Prayer Partners have received training in prayer and will keep your request confidential. Anyone who desires personal prayer may see one of our Prayer Partners at the end of each service.

Missions Prayer

This team volunteers to pray for our short-term mission trip participants before and during the trip. Prayer needs of the mission team are shared through a daily email. Anyone can sign up—no training is required.

Power Prayer Team

This prayer team meets monthly to pray as a group for Shepherd’s Gate, our community, our nation, and our world.