Posts by Lisa Jansen


Published by Leave your thoughts

Several times a week someone asks me: How is your husband? I answer: He is doing well. This question is asked because my husband, Jake, has lived in quarantine since March 12, 2020 and, yes, he is just fine. People...

Teaching Through The Storm

Published by Leave your thoughts

March 13, 2020, I remember walking around my classroom, staring at the faces of each student and convinced I would see them after Spring Break. COVID-19 wasn’t real and it was all the way in China. There’s no way this...

The Easter Bunny & Jesus

Published by Leave your thoughts

Early one Easter morning a family was driving to the sunrise service at church. The sun was just beginning to rise when a rabbit dashed into the road. The husband swerved to avoid the rabbit but was unsuccessful. Thud! From...

Home Sweet Church: One Year Later

Published by Leave your thoughts

At first, it seemed fun. We wore pajamas, I made a special breakfast, we had TV trays and sat in the family room where my husband Regan had us precariously wired and ready to worship. Church from home had officially...

Bible with glasses and love tiles on top

Does God Love Me?

Published by Leave your thoughts

Have you ever wondered, “Does God love me?”  Many of us have asked this at least once. Especially when wonder why bad things like pandemics happen, we sometimes question our faith or who God is. The answer is simple: God...

turning pages of Bible

How to Read the Bible

Published by Leave your thoughts

The Bible is at the foundation of the Christian faith, but it can also feel daunting to read. If you are learning or relearning how to read the Bible, do not feel overwhelmed. Focus on reading one section of the...

The Unexpected Gift

Published by Leave your thoughts

It started out like any other day in the cold month of November. At the time, I was a 23-year-old college student living at home with my parents. I had just gotten over what I thought was a virus and...

Man and woman smiling

How Cancer Changed My Perspective

Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s amazing the thoughts that race through your mind when cancer is mentioned for the first time. For me, this was in 2014.  In 2009, my doctor found a lump in my neck during my annual wellness check (PSA, go...

Black and white crown on manger

Why Was Jesus Born?

Published by Leave your thoughts

With all the ugliness in the world and our lives today, you may be asking yourself, “Why was Jesus born? Wasn’t He supposed to end all of it?” Christmas is the time of the year we celebrate with the birth...

Hands holding Christmas present

How to Give Back During the Holidays

Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s the season of giving, but this Christmas is different from any other. We’ve all had to adjust to new means of communication and serving others. And. If you’re looking for ways to give back this season, here are some...