Find your place & your people

Starting something new can be exciting. Especially when you begin to learn about Jesus, explore all we have to offer, and make connections with people who become like family. We make it easy for you to take your next steps and give you an opportunity to discover who we are, get involved and make an impact.

Start your adventure today.

the sg path


Search & Discover

We are all on a journey. Searching for the answers to life’s questions and longing for a deeper meaning. If you want to get more out of life, come Explore SG. You’ll be introduced to Jesus, the One who gives us all we really need.

Explore SG


Find your place

Everyone needs a place to call home. As you engage with others in serving opportunities and groups, you will build meaningful friendships and find your place in the SG family. 

Engage & Find Your Place


Dig Deeper

As you dig deeper in your faith and relationships, you will expand your spiritual depth and deepen your passion for God and His people. 

Expand & Dig Deeper


Impact the World

You have influence. We will support you as you extend your influence and your faith to make a difference. The goal? To impact the world with the love of Jesus!

Extend & Impact The World

What's your next step?

I want to Explore SG

There are many ways to start exploring SG. Pick the one you’re most comfortable with:

1) Explore our website.
Attend online or in-person worship.
3) Find out more about us through our Explore SG experience. Go to our Events page to see upcoming classes.

Take the first step to getting your kids & students connected to Jesus.

1) Get your child baptized.
2) Connect them with other little ones in our
3) Start their faith journey in our SG Kids program.
4) Get your teens involved in our SG Students program.

I want to Engage & Find My Place

There are many ways to start engaging at SG. 

1) Connect with our faith family through baptism.
2) Engage with others by stepping out into the community and
serving others.
3) Form friendships and build your faith in groups.

Through SG Kids and Student groups, your kids & teens will make friends and learn that God has a place in His heart for them. Students can serve kids on Sunday morning in SG Kids.

I want to Expand & Dig Deeper In My Faith

There are many ways to dig deeper in your faith at SG. 

Build consistent spiritual practices through regular:
2) Communion
3) Bible study
4) Prayer
5) Generosity

Your middle school students will begin to expand their connection with God and others as they prepare for their First Communion and Confirmation.

I want to Extend & Impact the World

Extend the love of Jesus to your family, workplace, neighborhood, community, and world by:

1) Sharing the love of Jesus with others around you.
2) Serving locally
3) Embarking on a global mission trip

Students can participate in mission trips locally, nationally, or around the world.

Have a Question?

Have a question about getting involved at Shepherd’s Gate? Want to learn more about us? Use the form to get in touch.