Have you ever had a moment when life felt too random to be just coincidence? Maybe you ran into an old friend at the perfect time, heard a song that spoke right to your situation, or got the exact help...
Presents! Candy! Rudolph! Santa! The kids answered excitedly into the icy microphone held by the red-faced reporter at the holiday parade. She’d asked them to describe Christmas in just one word. Soon that microphone was in the frozen face of...
Hey, all you mamas out there! Yes, I’m talking to you—the new mom who needs to catch a couple of z’s, the mom who is in the thick of raising her children, the mother who has stepped into a child’s...
Here Comes 2023… It’s here. The new year. Like most of us, we make resolutions and dream big for the year ahead. Have you given any thought to the kind of year you would like to experience in 2023? It’s...
It seems to me that lately, Christmas is busy and chaotic and there’s never enough time to get everything done. I’m a single mom to Emma, a freshman in high school. So, I’m busy all the time. I drive...
How many times have you looked down on the ground and seen a penny, nickel or even a dime and not picked it up? Well, after this year, I will never look at a penny the same way again. Fall...
It was my senior year and I was excited for it. I had so many things to look forward to: amazing friends, my final year at my homeschool co-op, preparing to be in a play in the spring and my...
As you move out of summer mode: vacations, sports clinics and day camps, and into fall, it’s a great time to introduce new activities and routines for you and your family. Fall is the time to breathe in the cool...
The day was here before I knew it. As the clock blinked 7 am, and the sun peeked through my window, I heard my son’s footsteps in the hallway— he was leaving for college. I laid my head back on...
Love is one of the strongest human emotions in existence. We all need it, feel it, and can give it to others. But what’s the truest form of love? When you put love into action to help others. Mother Theresa believed...
Let’s face it moms, life as a mom is challenging, refining and also very humbling. Never have I experienced frustration, fear, and exhaustion, more than in my role as a mother. It has pushed me to the brink, made me...
During the height of the pandemic, I decided to “attend” a church online. I was familiar with Shepherd’s Gate from attending a Bible Study there and decided to “tune in” to see what it was all about. This was definitely...